Machine Learning is All Around Us
Disgruntled, a student rolls out of bed. Their Chinese homework is due today and right now they’ve got a blank page and twenty six...
The IYSE Magazine is a public resource to educate youth on current events and ground-breaking discoveries in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Magazine releases are posted on our website.
IYSE Society est une organisation qui est dirigé par des jeunes canadiens. Donc, notre magazine est disponible dans les deux langues officielles du Canada: l'anglais et le français.
Cliquer sur les titres pour voir les articles!
Traductions Par: Ellena J.
Our infographics provide a summarized and easily digestible version of current events and discoveries in STEM tailored to a younger audience. By integrating written explanations of issues and visuals, we hope to educate youth and allow underprivileged youth to stay informed on global events.